Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A quick note...

Hello everyone,
We have been busy working on art, poetry, treaties, and concepts around stereotypes, identity, and poverty. Today we worked with the Slam Poetry artists Nicole Almond and Kevin Wesaquate. With them we spoke about treaties and watched the following videos:
Khodi Dill - Ottawa Festival
The students contributed to discussions about these poems and then created their own mini slam poem. What we got to hear today was a real treat. We have some very talented slam poetry artists in the making.

We still need newspaper food flyers. If you have some, please send them to school.

We will also attend an art workshop at the Mendel Art Gallery, on Monday, February 4th. We will be there all day, and students will need to pack a lunch. We will leave the school at 9:00 am and return by 3:00pm.

Please scroll down to the google calendar at the bottom of the blog. I have added dates that pertain to our class. There are several important dates coming up in February. I included basketball play days for the senior girls' basketball team, but have not yet completed that for the boys team. The boys have games the same days, but I'm not sure of where they are. I plan to find out, and add that to the calendar.

Have a great night everyone.

Monday, January 21, 2013


The grade six students have a fractions unit test tomorrow.
We need food flyers for a health activity that we are doing. Please send them if you can.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Art Stereotyping homework
Math - grade six students have a pre-test to finish for Monday. Test Tuesday.
Bring art supplies

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Art Supplies Needed

Our future art projects will require a few materials from home. If you are able to send duplicates of some of these items that would be super helpful.
All students will need:

  • One Styrofoam tray for print making (the larger the better - it will give your child more room to create)
  • One plastic container for mask making (A peanut butter jar, bleach container, or even a large yogurt container are some examples. Sturdy plastics will allow for a stronger base to create on. Please only send empty clean containers especially if they contained nuts - we have two children with peanut allergies)
  • An old t-shirt (A medium adult t-shirt would work well,  just to give you an example of size, but it can be smaller or larger. We will cut them into strips for the mask making.)
  • One plastic lid (to be used as a paint pallet)
  • An old shirt (to be used as a paint shirt - we will be doing some messy work.) 
We won't need these items for a while, but send them as you gather them so that we have an idea of when we can get started.

Thanks so much for your help. If you have any questions, please add a comment or send me an email.
-Ms. G.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th

Hello everyone. I apologize for taking so long to get back onto the blog, it's been a busy start to the new year.
We have been very busy creating art, exploring identity, stereotypes, and learning about First Nation Treaty rights. If you're interested in knowing more about this inquiry project, here is a blog post that explains what we've been up to.
Tomorrow the students will travel to the university to see the Spectrum exhibit. We will leave at 12:45 and return to the school by 3pm. This should be a fascinating exhibit all about science and technology.
There is a word-a-day quiz tomorrow.
There is a math quiz on Friday, January 18th for the grade six students.
Have a great night everyone.