Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Update on school projects

Hello everyone,
We are coming to the end of the space portion of our inquiry. Most students have now completed a planet fact sheet, created a space travel company, designed a space aircraft, made a business logo, a business slogan, and are about to start work on a business advertisement. As well, most students have completed a 5 paragraph narrative science fiction story.

We are going to spend some time over the next few days investigating the history of space travel. Students will gather information on one event from history and write an newspaper article about the event.

Next week we will start the flight portion of this inquiry. This will involve some experimentation, some research, and culminate in the students building some kind of rocket.

In the next few weeks we will do an experiment that involves creating and testing wing shapes. This inquiry will require large pieces of cardboard. If you have any cardboard that we could use please send it to school.

The grade 6 students have a math unit test on geometry next week. They will also participate in the grade 6 common math assessment set out by our division. We have a practice test that we will work through before the real test. This will all take place over the next few weeks.

Have a great night everyone,
Ms. Gallays

Friday, May 10, 2013

Due dates and such

Hello everyone,
There are a few due dates coming up in the near future. I have added them to the calendar found at the bottom of the page. They are:

1.) Narrative story 1st draft - due Monday, May 13th. (Most students are very close to having this complete. They have a story board to follow. Each box of the story board is the outline for their paragraph. They are to have 5 paragraphs completed.

2.) Customer planet fact sheet - this is due on Tuesday, May 14th. Most students are close to having this complete as well.

3.) Narrative story edit - sent Wednesday, May 15th to be returned the following day. (more information about his will be sent home on Wednesday.)

The track meet is on Tuesday, May 14th in the afternoon, unless the weather is not good. Students will need water bottles, track clothing (sweats, shorts...), and sunblock.

Today we worked on advertising - and how women and men are portrayed in advertising and the media. We discussed stereotypes in the media, and watch the Flintstones to get a better understanding of gender stereotypes as portrayed by the media. We also watched a news article and media clip on the sexualization (that may not be a word) and objectification of women in the media. The goal is to promote critical thinking and to not let the media control how we feel about ourselves and each other.
Here is a link to the news article and video.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Happy Mothers' Day to all of you moms.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What we've been up to...

Hello everyone. We've been busy working on our space inquiry. The students have finished researching a planet and have started making a fact sheet. We will learn a little bit about advertising and students will make an advertisement for space travel to the planet they have researched. This assignment will combine their research with some science fiction creation.
Here is the critical challenge that the students are working on:
Critical Space Challenge
Here is the advertising assignment:

Advertisment Assignment
We have also been learning to write a five paragraph narrative story. We have had support from Mrs. Engel and Ms. Balinski. Students have gained many new tools to help them in their writing.
Here is the writing prompt that the students were given. They used this to create their own writing prompt.

Narrative writing prompt

Today a student brought up the news of the three girls that were found in the states. Here is a link to the story in case you are unfamiliar. Missing Girls Found We did not discuss the story a whole lot as a class because we were out of time before lunch, and I was a little worried about the content of the story. I wanted to let the parents know so that you can discuss this with your children at home. I want to find a simple article to read with the students and discuss general safety rules about not talking to strangers, not getting into cars with strangers, and walking home with a friend or a group of friends especially at night. I want to keep it simple so that the children are not scared, but that they are properly informed and are not just hearing this story from their peers. These are the kinds of teachable moments that come up in the classroom, but this story, while a miracle for the parents and family of the lost girls, is also tragic and needs to be dealt with in a sensitive way.

As well, I have started reading The Hunger Games to the students. I wanted to read them a sci-fi book while we are learning about space, and this one is super popular right now. There is a bit of violence in this book, but we will discuss this violence in the context of power and authority from the grade 7 curriculum. This book is a great way to "hook" non-readers into becoming readers. I don't take my decision to read this book with the class lightly, as I know some parents may object to it because of the violence that takes place towards the end of the book. We have several kids who have not discovered a love for reading. It's very hard to become a better reader if you dislike reading. The story is fascinating and grabs kids attention. It has been made into a movie that many of the students have have already seen, and there are 3 books in the series. I've read this book with classes before and seen non-readers become avid readers because they can't wait to listen to the book at the pace that I can read it in class. If you have strong concerns about me reading this book to your child, please let me know. I have no problem letting your child read their own book in the hallway. If there are several parents concerned, I will discontinue the book and search for another book. Please feel free to email me or call me at the school to discuss your concerns, if you have any.

Have a great night everyone. Enjoy the BBQ tonight.