Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This and that...

Hello everyone,
Just a reminder that tomorrow night is the grade 8 farewell. Many of our grade seven students have signed up to help out with decorating and serving at the event. If your child is going to be volunteering, please have them at the St. Anne Parish hall tomorrow night at approximately 5:45. The festivities will be done around 8:30 and then we need grade seven students to help with the clean up.
If you are bringing baking, please make sure that it is nut free. Also, you can drop them off at school and we will transport them to the hall.
Thank you for all of the donations, and to Jocelyn Pederson for her help to pick up the treats and fruit.
If your child needs to leave early, or arrive late because of previous commitments, that's okay.
Have a great night everyone!
Ms. Gallays

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's new and happening...

Hello parents and guardians,
We have been very busy learning about properties of flight. We are about to start researching famous historical pilots and inventors of flight.
One of our experiments requires the use of hair dryers to heat air to create flight. If you have a hair dryer that you would be willing to send, that would be great.
We are also getting very close to the Grade 8 Farewell. The grade seven students will bring home a note about today or tomorrow about our roll in the event. I will include it in this blog post as well.
 A few notes were sent home yesterday about our trip to Pike Lake and a preregistration note for next year. The preregistration really helps us to have much clearer picture of student numbers for next year. This helps with staffing.
The grade 6 students have been working on the division common math assessment. This assessment will be used to help inform the division and staff as to how we can better meet the needs of students. Students are told that this assessment counts towards their final grade so that they make their best attempt at each questions. I will use the assessment as a guideline for their final term three mark, but it will only be a small portion of their final grade. Unit tests and daily work will be a large component of their final mark.

Here is the grade 7 letter that will be sent home today (or tomorrow if your child is away at the track meet).