Monday, October 28, 2013


Today we worked on Mind Mapping. We researched animals and started to mind map our learning. Please check out what mind mapping is using these links.

There is no homework today.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday news

Hello everyone,
It's hard to believe that it's already Thursday. The grade 7 class is getting ready to write the unit 1 math test. We had to take a step back and learn a few concepts in a different way. I think most students are ready to write the test and will do quite well. We will write a pre-test tomorrow, and then the real test will be Tuesday. If you'd like to help your child prepare for the test, please ask them to bring home their Jump Math worksheets. There are some extra practice sheets in there - and it looks a lot more like "old school" math. It would be very helpful to each child if they knew their math facts. Many of the students struggle with this concept and it has made learning algebra a little more difficult. If you aren't sure if your child knows all of their times table math facts, ask them to tell you the answer to a few. You will quickly learn which facts they know, and which ones they are struggling with.
Our grade 6 students have a bonus question to do for math tomorrow.
Today we finished the book The Giver by Lois Lowry. We had a deep discussion about the book this afternoon. Your child was given some homework for tonight. They are to ask you what you think is more important - personal freedom or freedom from suffering. We discussed these ideas today as they pertain to the book. You may not be familiar with the book, but ask your child to tell you about it. Ask them to describe how our world, and the world in the book are different. I have to say their ideas were profound and I really got a great opportunity to hear some deep ideas. I think most people would find it shocking that such young children could have such critical thinking skills.
Have a great night everyone,
Ms. G.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hello everyone,
I'm sorry for not posting in the last few days. I've had lots of meetings and been very busy. Tomorrow and Thursday I will be away. Ms. Johansen will be our class sub. I will be traveling with a few members of our staff to Medicine Hat and Calgary to tour other inquiry schools. I hope to come back inspired with many new ideas.
There is no school on Friday for students as it is a Professional Learning Day for teachers. There is no school on Monday because it is Thanksgiving.

I postponed the Grade 7 Math text because many students were struggling with the concepts while we worked through the unit review. I have provided all students with a few worksheets from the Jump Math program. These sheets are good for taking the students through the concepts on small part at a time. Once we have completed this review, the math test will be given. I think we have about a week of work ahead of us before will will write the unit review.

This week we had visits from Teen Aid and we finished the CAT testing with the grade 7 students. Tomorrow the class will get back to the regular course work.
Have a great week everyone. Enjoy the Thanksgiving break with your amazing kids.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A few things

Just so you are aware of the following dates:
Monday, October 7th - picture orders are due
Thursday, October 3rd - word-a-day quiz (We will review the words and what the quiz looks like tomorrow. Students can bring home their words to practice any day this week.)
Friday, October 4th - grade 7 math unit 1 test (tentatively)
Grade 6 students have the Explore for homework in math
Band - grade 6 - learn the first 3 notes

Yesterday we had a great day at Eagle Creek. I took photos and would like to share the pictures with the families in our classroom. Please let me know if you DO NOT want me to post photos of your child on the class blog. I will only post the photos and won't include names. Thank you to Mr. Scott and Ms. Cross Child for attending the field trip. It's always great when parents can come along on our field trips.

I also wanted to let you know that I will be away for several days this month. It's highly unusual for me to be away as much as I am going to be - it seems to be a strange mix of professional development, conferences, and training that will have me out of the building. I will be away October 9th, 10th, 21st, 22nd, and 25th. I think I might also end up adding an afternoon into the mix, but I am awaiting one more scheduled date. I plan to have the same sub for all but one of the days (she's booked on one of the days.) This will help with consistency and flow of the classroom.

Also, next Monday and Tuesday our class will participate in programing provided by teen aid. The grade sevens will spend the day on Monday learning about prenatal development and puberty. The grade six students will have one session on "Who am I?" The grade 7 students will have one last session on Tuesday on resisting sexual pressure.
Have a great night everyone!