Friday, December 20, 2013

Elf Letter Writing Assignment

The students had the following letter writing assignment to complete for today. This will meet a requirement for Career Ed, and for Language Arts. Students were asked to follow the block or indent format for letter writing and were given a copy of the two formats. The letter is to contain three paragraphs. Each paragraph had a specific purpose that students were to adhere to. Creativity and imagination was encouraged. This is just for your information.

Persuasive Writing Assignment and Rubric

Hello parents and guardians,
We have been working on a persuasive essay, which is due today. The students were given the three handouts below to use as a format. We went over this format and the expectations twice. I thought I'd add it to the blog for your information. Over the break I will evaluate their essays on a rubric that will give them feedback on their writing. Students have been taught the writing process and are expected to submit their essay with their planning sheet, and draft sheets that shows their revisions. In their writing folders they have handouts that act as tools to improve writing. I often direct them to revise their writing by adding or changing something. The students are expected to create a draft and then perform a 2 pass revision. What that means is that they read their essay over once and make changes, and then again and make changes. The changes they may be asked to perform are adding transition words or changing boring words to better words. These changes should be reflected on the draft. After they perform two revision passes, they are expected to sit with an adult to edit their work. This means looking for grammar and spelling errors.

The rubric is included at the bottom. For this assignment students will not be evaluated on the two pass revision or editing because we weren't able to access the laptops often enough to really focus on that aspect.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will email parents sometime today if your child did not submit a completed essay.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Important dates and homework

Hello everyone,
We have a few projects that we are working on that will be due by the end of the week.

1.) Elf Job Application Letter - the rough draft is due on Wednesday.

2.) Advent Liturgy - tomorrow we will walk to St. Anne's Church to practice our advent liturgy. We have several students in our class who will be drumming. If your child is drumming, they need to be at the church no later than 6:15 tomorrow night. The liturgy starts at 6:30.

3.) Persuasive Essay- rough draft due due Wednesday.

4.) Elf application and Persuasive Essay - good copies due at the end of the day Thursday. We will finish the writing of the good copy in class.

5.) Grade 7 Fractions Unit Test on Wednesday.

6.) Idle Audit - on Wednesday we will perform out last idle audit. Just like the previous two times, we will be outside from 3:15 - 3:45. If you child can't stay or takes the bus, they can go when they need to.

7.) Idle Audit Celebration - On Thursday we will have pizza for lunch to celebrate our Idle Free Campaign. Students won't need to bring a lunch for that day. They should still bring a drink and any snacks they need for recess.

Have a great night everyone!
-Ms. Gallays

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hello families,
A few reminders:
Tomorrow is our Idle Free Campaign day. Students will be outside asking drivers to reduce their idling. Make sure that your child has appropriate clothing for the very cold weather that is expected. We will take turns outside, but it is really important that the students all have their warmest winter clothing for tomorrow. If you'd like to come and see our student-made mini movies, please come to the gym at 2:30.

Also - the Christmas Dinner is on Friday. Our class is responsible for tossed salad. Grade 7 students are to bring a tossed salad and grade 6 students are asked to bring dressing for Friday.

The band concert today was impressive. Our grade 6 and 7 students are getting to be quite the musicians.

The grade 6 students have 1 a and b for math homework tonight. There is no homework for the grade 7 students.

Have a great night everyone!
-Ms. Gallays

Monday, December 9, 2013

A few reminders

Hello grade 6/7 families,
Here are a few reminders about upcoming events:

1.) Our class will be hosting an Idle Free Campaign Assembly this Wednesday at 2:30. We will have our idle-free video premiere. We have 5 "mini-movies" that the class has made on reducing the amount we idle our cars. They are very good, and I don't think I am being biased at all. If you are able to attend our assembly, we would love to have you there. Students will go outside and educate drivers who are idling about the effects of idling. If it is as cold as it has been, we will likely have to take shifts. Students will need to be bundled up to be outside for any length of time. Again, if your child needs to take the bus, they can leave when the bus leaves.

2.) Our school Christmas dinner is this Friday. Grade 7 students will need to bring their tossed salads that morning. The grade 6 students can bring their salad dressing any day before Friday.

3.) The band concert is tomorrow afternoon. Parents are invited to attend. Band students are to be dressed in black bottoms and a white top.

4.) Our class will be performing in the Advent Liturgy next Tuesday night. We will be drumming the Little Drummer boy along with the grade 1/2 class who will be singing, and the 2/3 class who will be acting out the story. We will be practicing the drumming over the next week. If your child cannot commit to attending that night, please let me know through a note or an email. (

5.) Grade 7's have math homework tonight. Today we spent time learning about Greatest Common Factors (GCFs) and then reducing fractions to lowest common terms. This was a fairly difficult concept for some students. If you are able to help your child at home, that would be very beneficial to them.

That's all I can think of right now. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

-Ms. Gallays

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A few reminders

Today several children did not have a change of clothing for phys. ed.. This is becoming a growing trend, and is causing our classroom to become quite stinky. Please remind your child to have a change of clothing at school for gym.
We have been working on our Anti-Idling videos and they are very close to being ready. We will present our videos next Wednesday at 2:30 at a school wide assembly. Parents are encouraged to attend our assembly. While working on a video production today I asked some students if we could stop idling my truck since we were making anti-idling videos. One boy's response made me laugh. He said, "It takes one idle to stop many!"
There was a little math homework today for the grade 7 students.
Tomorrow we will continue to work on persuasive writing in the morning, and we will watch the grade 4/5 and 5/6 Dragons' Den Pitch Party in the afternoon.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Homework and notes...

Hello Families,
Yesterday the report cards were sent home. We have had several problems with the new reporting program. I apologize if your child's report card had whiteout all over it. The report card program was down yesterday and reprinting the report cards with the typos fixed just did not happen. If you notice that your child's report card is drastically different than you anticipated, please let me know as there have definitely been a few problems reported already. I appreciate your understanding as the division works out the kinks.

Today a note was sent home about our Christmas lunch. Our class is responsible for bringing tossed salad. The grade 7 students were asked to bring tossed salad with no dressing. The grade 6 students (in our class) have been asked to bring salad dressing. If the grade sixes could bring 1 large bottle or 2 small bottles that would be great. As for flavors, please ask your child what they'd like to bring, and just make sure it does not contain nuts or nut oils. We are completely open to using whatever shows up. :) The grade 7 students should bring about the equivalent of a head of lettuce. If you chose to buy a head of lettuce, please was and cut it up for that day. Prepackaged tossed salad is also fine.

Math - Grade 7 students have page 81 and 82 questions 1-12 for homework.

Language Arts  - persuasive writing planning sheet - the brainstorming and RAFTS are due for tomorrow.

Drama storyboards are due on Monday. These will likely be finished in class tomorrow. The students worked in groups, and most groups are very close to completing the task.

Have a great night!
- Ms. Gallays

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Homework and stuff

Hello parents and guardians,

The grade 7 class has math homework today. They were assigned pages 79 and 80 - questions 1-12 today. They were given some time for the assignment, by will need to spend time working on it at home. We are currently working on fractions of a number. For example 1/2 of 6 is 3.

Tomorrow is the Idle Audit. I just want to remind you that we will be auditing cars idling in front of the school between 2:45 to about 3:30 -3:45 at the latest. Make sure your child is dressed properly for the weather. If they need to take the bus home, that's fine.

We may start filming our Idle Free infomercials tomorrow. Some students want to bring costumes for their roles, and they asked that I put a reminder on the blog. (So this is the reminder. :)

We watched a video today from the Story of Stuff. This video is called The Story of Solutions.
Here's the video if you're interested:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Some stuff about today and Wednesday

Hi everyone,
This is a reminder that today we will be walking to BJM to watch Anne of Green Gables. We will leave the school at 12:45 and return around 3:00. Please make sure that your child is dressed for the weather.

I also sent a note home last week about our Idle Free Campaign. This Wednesday we will be performing our pre-audit of cars idling in front of the school. Basically with the help of Megan from the SES we will count the cars idling in front of the school on Wednesday. This will take place between 2:45 and 3:45. I can't imagine that we will need to go beyond 3:30, but we will just play it by ear. If you child needs to take the bus, and you cannot make other arrangements, that's okay. We will fill your child in the next day at school. 

Here is the note again in case you missed it. I know many kids did not get their note home because there were many found in the classroom after they were handed out. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Information on upcoming events

Hello parents and guardians,
We put some more work into our portfolios today. Tomorrow we will add some pictures, and students will be able to bring the portfolios home again. I asked the students if they thought we should leave them at school for the conferences, and many of them thought that was a good idea because they were worried they would forget them at home. I will give them a choice tomorrow and they can decide.

We have a major project we are working on with the Saskachewan Environmental Society. Here is a note that will be sent home tomorrow. Pay close attention to all of the dates and times on the note as there are 3 days when students will be asked to stay after school to perform audits. I will let you know about the upcoming assembly as we get closer to December 11th. The video projects that we will be working on will be pretty cool. Of course, all parents will be invited to join us.

Homework for tonight for both grades: math (grade 6 1-8) (grade 7 - entire worksheet which most had completed)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Students have a short story that is due for tomorrow. They have been working on it in class. The good copy needs to be finished and turned in tomorrow with all of the rough copy.

Grade 7 students have a math test on Friday.

Classroom dojo letters were sent home today.

Have a good night!
-Ms. G

Digging my way out...

Hello parents and guardians,

I want to start by apologizing for not posting more often in the past month. I was out of the classroom way more than I wanted to be, and as a result fell fairly far behind in almost everything. I spent the last few weekends catching up, and I think I'm almost caught up.

October had me fairly busy with in-services and cool opportunities, and I want to share a few of those opportunities with you. I was selected to participate in a joint partnership project on sustainability. This project is a joint partnership between the Public and Catholic school divisions, the University of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society, Saskatoon Light and Power, and the City of Saskatoon. The project involves a handful of classrooms from around the city and will culminate with an event sometime in March or April. I will have the opportunity to meet and plan with grade alike teachers, have access to some incredible human resources, and be given a tiny budget to work with. (Any money is better than no money! :) What does this mean for our class? Well the students have to chose a measurable project that they would like to undertake, and then they will have help to design a campaign that is aimed at making change. We will learn how to audit this change and will have to report back to our partners later in the year. What kind of changes? It could be reducing the amount of idling in front of the school, reducing the amount of lights the school uses on empty rooms and classrooms, reducing our use of Styrofoam.
As a result of this project, I have slightly changed the direction our current unit has taken. We were going to write persuasive letters right now, but I think we will hold off and do that as part of our action a little later in the year.

I had another in-service I attended on technology. Since I've never learned how to teach practical arts, and grade 7 students need to do some practical arts, I signed up to learn how to make movies. I spend a day learning by doing. We had to storyboard our idea, film it, and use iMovie to create a 5 minute movie. It was great fun, and I almost can't wait to do this project with the class. (Now that we have 31 kids in our class, I'm a little nervous about how we'll share the technology and how I'll be able to work with each group.)

I've also been working on another grant. Last year I pursued a TreatySmarts grant through the Saskatchewan Arts Board. That grant paid for the our treaty/spoken word project last year. This year I have applied for an ArtsSmarts grant. I wrote the grant around dance, music/beat boxing, and spoken word/rap. This year our focus will be on the globalization of culture and how technology fuels that globalization. We will have an emphasis on hip-hop and look at its origins and cultural influence and impact. The grade 8 class will participate in the project with us. I have partnered with some very accomplished, and very cool artists, as well as The Mendel Art Gallery, and the AKA Paved Arts Gallery. I won't know for about approximately 40 more days if we were successful in securing the grant, but I am hopeful. Writing an Arts grant is very time consuming, it was another thing that kept me busy in October. I believe firmly in the power of the arts to transform learning from something that is bland and abstract into something that is concrete and has a lasting impact.

On Friday portfolios will be sent home. As a staff, we decided to move our portfolio in a new direction. This year we will create growth portfolios. The goal of a growth portfolio is to show growth. This might look different from last year in that last year portfolios may have had more polished showy work, and not as much of the messy "beginning" work. This term, we will select pieces that show where we started. (And, some of them aren't that great.) Keep in mind that to see growth, we have to show you where we started. Some of that growth may be evident already, some of it might not be evident until later in the year. We have also started to do some new kinds of learning with art journaling, mind mapping, and our inquiry journals. These are all new forms of work for me, so I am also growing as I try to figure out how to push students to show their deep thinking and reflect on their thoughts.

Today I will send home a parent access code for classroom dojo. This is a new-to-me online tool for classrooms. Your child has his or her own avatar, and when they are on task or off task I can give them points. As a parent, you can check on your child's classroom behaviour by signing in daily or weekly. I've selected 3 ways for students to earn or lose points: being on task, being prepared, and being on task. I'm not very good at using the program, yet. I hope that it becomes much easier to use as I get accustomed to it. I've decided that if as a class we can have a weekly positive rate of 90% or higher, the kids will get a treat. (Maybe an extra phys. ed. period?)

Have a great week everyone. I hope to be on here a lot more regularly now that I'm back on track.
-Ms. Gallays

Monday, October 28, 2013


Today we worked on Mind Mapping. We researched animals and started to mind map our learning. Please check out what mind mapping is using these links.

There is no homework today.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday news

Hello everyone,
It's hard to believe that it's already Thursday. The grade 7 class is getting ready to write the unit 1 math test. We had to take a step back and learn a few concepts in a different way. I think most students are ready to write the test and will do quite well. We will write a pre-test tomorrow, and then the real test will be Tuesday. If you'd like to help your child prepare for the test, please ask them to bring home their Jump Math worksheets. There are some extra practice sheets in there - and it looks a lot more like "old school" math. It would be very helpful to each child if they knew their math facts. Many of the students struggle with this concept and it has made learning algebra a little more difficult. If you aren't sure if your child knows all of their times table math facts, ask them to tell you the answer to a few. You will quickly learn which facts they know, and which ones they are struggling with.
Our grade 6 students have a bonus question to do for math tomorrow.
Today we finished the book The Giver by Lois Lowry. We had a deep discussion about the book this afternoon. Your child was given some homework for tonight. They are to ask you what you think is more important - personal freedom or freedom from suffering. We discussed these ideas today as they pertain to the book. You may not be familiar with the book, but ask your child to tell you about it. Ask them to describe how our world, and the world in the book are different. I have to say their ideas were profound and I really got a great opportunity to hear some deep ideas. I think most people would find it shocking that such young children could have such critical thinking skills.
Have a great night everyone,
Ms. G.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hello everyone,
I'm sorry for not posting in the last few days. I've had lots of meetings and been very busy. Tomorrow and Thursday I will be away. Ms. Johansen will be our class sub. I will be traveling with a few members of our staff to Medicine Hat and Calgary to tour other inquiry schools. I hope to come back inspired with many new ideas.
There is no school on Friday for students as it is a Professional Learning Day for teachers. There is no school on Monday because it is Thanksgiving.

I postponed the Grade 7 Math text because many students were struggling with the concepts while we worked through the unit review. I have provided all students with a few worksheets from the Jump Math program. These sheets are good for taking the students through the concepts on small part at a time. Once we have completed this review, the math test will be given. I think we have about a week of work ahead of us before will will write the unit review.

This week we had visits from Teen Aid and we finished the CAT testing with the grade 7 students. Tomorrow the class will get back to the regular course work.
Have a great week everyone. Enjoy the Thanksgiving break with your amazing kids.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A few things

Just so you are aware of the following dates:
Monday, October 7th - picture orders are due
Thursday, October 3rd - word-a-day quiz (We will review the words and what the quiz looks like tomorrow. Students can bring home their words to practice any day this week.)
Friday, October 4th - grade 7 math unit 1 test (tentatively)
Grade 6 students have the Explore for homework in math
Band - grade 6 - learn the first 3 notes

Yesterday we had a great day at Eagle Creek. I took photos and would like to share the pictures with the families in our classroom. Please let me know if you DO NOT want me to post photos of your child on the class blog. I will only post the photos and won't include names. Thank you to Mr. Scott and Ms. Cross Child for attending the field trip. It's always great when parents can come along on our field trips.

I also wanted to let you know that I will be away for several days this month. It's highly unusual for me to be away as much as I am going to be - it seems to be a strange mix of professional development, conferences, and training that will have me out of the building. I will be away October 9th, 10th, 21st, 22nd, and 25th. I think I might also end up adding an afternoon into the mix, but I am awaiting one more scheduled date. I plan to have the same sub for all but one of the days (she's booked on one of the days.) This will help with consistency and flow of the classroom.

Also, next Monday and Tuesday our class will participate in programing provided by teen aid. The grade sevens will spend the day on Monday learning about prenatal development and puberty. The grade six students will have one session on "Who am I?" The grade 7 students will have one last session on Tuesday on resisting sexual pressure.
Have a great night everyone!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Finally it's Friday!

Hello everyone,
Just a quick note about Monday:
We will leave for Eagle Creek at 9am on Monday. Please make sure that your child arrives at school on time.
Students will need the following things:
1.) 2 water bottles (there is no running water)
2.) A bagged lunch. (there is a  fire ban in effect so we can't cook our food on a camp fire :(  )
3.) Dress in layers in case it's cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon.
4.) Rubber boots, flip flops, or bare feet (we will be examining ecosystems of the creek - students may have to step into the water)
5.) Good foot wear for hiking
6.) Sun block
We will leave Eagle Creek at 2:15 and be back at the school no later than 3:15.

Also, there are a few students who have not handed in their permission slip. Please ask your child if they have turned their form in -  they know who they are. :)
I'm also waiting on a few families to submit their email addresses for the class email list. If you haven't done this yet, please do so for Monday.
There is no homework this weekend.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
-Ms. Gallays

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 26

The grade 6 students have math homework tonight 1-8 all are due for Monday.

The grade 7 students started the CAT4 testing today. We will work on this testing tomorrow and over the next 2 weeks.

Please return notes.

Today we used Gloger. Many of us went slightly mad while trying to get logged on and waiting for slow internet connections to load. Please try to work on your photo essay from home tonight. It might be much easier.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A note about email addresses and other stuff...

Today grade 7 students worked on graphing in algebra. There is no homework today as students will have more time to work on math tomorrow.
Today students were given a glog - it's an online "scrap booking" site that allows students to demonstrate their learning in an interesting manner. I administer all student glog accounts and can monitor all online activity. As well, the identity of the students will not be revealed. I asked everyone to check out there glog tonight and try and create a sheet for fun. It's their "homework" for tonight. We will use the glogs to create a photo essay in the next week.
To get to the glog site you can follow this link.
Students can click the "I'm a student button" to log in.
Nickname: msgFirstname
Password: firstname

Nickname: msgSally
Password: sally

A order form for a healthy food buffet was handed out today. It is due back Thursday. The buffet will be next Thursday.
Also, this note will be sent home today.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Upcoming concepts in Science

Below you will find the terms and notes we will use to develop our scientific understanding of ecosystems.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


We went to mass today and our class did an excellent job of the readings. They should be very proud of themselves.
We also met our care partners and did a scavenger hunt with them.
We also had a good-bye party for one of our students. She is off to Germany today and will be away until December. We wish her safe travels and look forward to seeing her on skype and blogging with her.
We also learned to do speed stacking today.
Math grade 6- study for lesson 1,2, and 4 because there is a quiz on Tuesday.
Math grade 7- number 4 on lesson 1.5 needs to be completed.
There is band tomorrow. No instruments are needed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Busy Wednesday

Hello everyone,
Today was a pretty busy day. We did some work around values, and Mr. Horner brought his bees to school and gave the grade 6/7 students a presentation. He spoke to the students about what the world would be like if we didn't have bees. Ask your son or daughter what that difference might be. (no pun intended)
The grade 7 students did more work in math today around writing an expression with a variable and solving an equation with a variable. Tomorrow I will send home a homework page with them.
We have mass tomorrow morning. We will walk to the church right after morning annoucements. Some of the member of our class will be reading parts of the mass. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather. I think it is supposed to be cold.
Have a great night everyone,
Ms. G.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fall Inquiry Topic, Curriculum Connections, Critical Challenge and more...

Here is the first critical challenge that the students will work through. Please note that you can scroll down on each document by using the bar at the right side of the document. You can also click on the document to look at it in a bigger window. 

Here is a general over view of the themes and ideas that we will follow through this inquiry. Also, the curriculum outcomes that we will cover follow.

Worksheet used to develop the concept of an ecosystem:

Worksheet that we will use when we learn about Mr. Horner's bees:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday news

Tomorrow is picture day!
An immunization note was sent home today with all grade 6 students.
Tomorrow night is a drop-in meet the teacher night. It runs from 6:30-8:30 - see the note that was sent home today.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A new school year!

Hello parents,
This is our class blog. You can come here to find assignments, due dates, and class information.

Homework for today:
Grade 6 math homework page 8 #1-3
Grade 7 math homework lesson 2 Explore

A pizza pretzel form
Pancake breakfast
Volunteer letter

There is also band tomorrow. All students need their band instrument. In the rush at the end of the day, I forgot to let them know. Hopefully they looked at the schedule for tomorrow.
Check out the calendar at the bottom of the blog for upcoming events.
Off to the right side of the blog you can sign up for email notifications and receive an email when I post a new blog comment.
-Ms. Gallays

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This and that...

Hello everyone,
Just a reminder that tomorrow night is the grade 8 farewell. Many of our grade seven students have signed up to help out with decorating and serving at the event. If your child is going to be volunteering, please have them at the St. Anne Parish hall tomorrow night at approximately 5:45. The festivities will be done around 8:30 and then we need grade seven students to help with the clean up.
If you are bringing baking, please make sure that it is nut free. Also, you can drop them off at school and we will transport them to the hall.
Thank you for all of the donations, and to Jocelyn Pederson for her help to pick up the treats and fruit.
If your child needs to leave early, or arrive late because of previous commitments, that's okay.
Have a great night everyone!
Ms. Gallays

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's new and happening...

Hello parents and guardians,
We have been very busy learning about properties of flight. We are about to start researching famous historical pilots and inventors of flight.
One of our experiments requires the use of hair dryers to heat air to create flight. If you have a hair dryer that you would be willing to send, that would be great.
We are also getting very close to the Grade 8 Farewell. The grade seven students will bring home a note about today or tomorrow about our roll in the event. I will include it in this blog post as well.
 A few notes were sent home yesterday about our trip to Pike Lake and a preregistration note for next year. The preregistration really helps us to have much clearer picture of student numbers for next year. This helps with staffing.
The grade 6 students have been working on the division common math assessment. This assessment will be used to help inform the division and staff as to how we can better meet the needs of students. Students are told that this assessment counts towards their final grade so that they make their best attempt at each questions. I will use the assessment as a guideline for their final term three mark, but it will only be a small portion of their final grade. Unit tests and daily work will be a large component of their final mark.

Here is the grade 7 letter that will be sent home today (or tomorrow if your child is away at the track meet).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Update on school projects

Hello everyone,
We are coming to the end of the space portion of our inquiry. Most students have now completed a planet fact sheet, created a space travel company, designed a space aircraft, made a business logo, a business slogan, and are about to start work on a business advertisement. As well, most students have completed a 5 paragraph narrative science fiction story.

We are going to spend some time over the next few days investigating the history of space travel. Students will gather information on one event from history and write an newspaper article about the event.

Next week we will start the flight portion of this inquiry. This will involve some experimentation, some research, and culminate in the students building some kind of rocket.

In the next few weeks we will do an experiment that involves creating and testing wing shapes. This inquiry will require large pieces of cardboard. If you have any cardboard that we could use please send it to school.

The grade 6 students have a math unit test on geometry next week. They will also participate in the grade 6 common math assessment set out by our division. We have a practice test that we will work through before the real test. This will all take place over the next few weeks.

Have a great night everyone,
Ms. Gallays

Friday, May 10, 2013

Due dates and such

Hello everyone,
There are a few due dates coming up in the near future. I have added them to the calendar found at the bottom of the page. They are:

1.) Narrative story 1st draft - due Monday, May 13th. (Most students are very close to having this complete. They have a story board to follow. Each box of the story board is the outline for their paragraph. They are to have 5 paragraphs completed.

2.) Customer planet fact sheet - this is due on Tuesday, May 14th. Most students are close to having this complete as well.

3.) Narrative story edit - sent Wednesday, May 15th to be returned the following day. (more information about his will be sent home on Wednesday.)

The track meet is on Tuesday, May 14th in the afternoon, unless the weather is not good. Students will need water bottles, track clothing (sweats, shorts...), and sunblock.

Today we worked on advertising - and how women and men are portrayed in advertising and the media. We discussed stereotypes in the media, and watch the Flintstones to get a better understanding of gender stereotypes as portrayed by the media. We also watched a news article and media clip on the sexualization (that may not be a word) and objectification of women in the media. The goal is to promote critical thinking and to not let the media control how we feel about ourselves and each other.
Here is a link to the news article and video.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Happy Mothers' Day to all of you moms.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What we've been up to...

Hello everyone. We've been busy working on our space inquiry. The students have finished researching a planet and have started making a fact sheet. We will learn a little bit about advertising and students will make an advertisement for space travel to the planet they have researched. This assignment will combine their research with some science fiction creation.
Here is the critical challenge that the students are working on:
Critical Space Challenge
Here is the advertising assignment:

Advertisment Assignment
We have also been learning to write a five paragraph narrative story. We have had support from Mrs. Engel and Ms. Balinski. Students have gained many new tools to help them in their writing.
Here is the writing prompt that the students were given. They used this to create their own writing prompt.

Narrative writing prompt

Today a student brought up the news of the three girls that were found in the states. Here is a link to the story in case you are unfamiliar. Missing Girls Found We did not discuss the story a whole lot as a class because we were out of time before lunch, and I was a little worried about the content of the story. I wanted to let the parents know so that you can discuss this with your children at home. I want to find a simple article to read with the students and discuss general safety rules about not talking to strangers, not getting into cars with strangers, and walking home with a friend or a group of friends especially at night. I want to keep it simple so that the children are not scared, but that they are properly informed and are not just hearing this story from their peers. These are the kinds of teachable moments that come up in the classroom, but this story, while a miracle for the parents and family of the lost girls, is also tragic and needs to be dealt with in a sensitive way.

As well, I have started reading The Hunger Games to the students. I wanted to read them a sci-fi book while we are learning about space, and this one is super popular right now. There is a bit of violence in this book, but we will discuss this violence in the context of power and authority from the grade 7 curriculum. This book is a great way to "hook" non-readers into becoming readers. I don't take my decision to read this book with the class lightly, as I know some parents may object to it because of the violence that takes place towards the end of the book. We have several kids who have not discovered a love for reading. It's very hard to become a better reader if you dislike reading. The story is fascinating and grabs kids attention. It has been made into a movie that many of the students have have already seen, and there are 3 books in the series. I've read this book with classes before and seen non-readers become avid readers because they can't wait to listen to the book at the pace that I can read it in class. If you have strong concerns about me reading this book to your child, please let me know. I have no problem letting your child read their own book in the hallway. If there are several parents concerned, I will discontinue the book and search for another book. Please feel free to email me or call me at the school to discuss your concerns, if you have any.

Have a great night everyone. Enjoy the BBQ tonight.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Grad photo package giveaway

Hello parents and guardians,
An up-and-coming photographer in our city is offering a special grad photo package giveaway. She's very talented, and I wondered if some of you may be looking for grad photography for your older children. Please feel free to pass on the link and the information to others who may be interested. Follow the link to enter the draw: copperblue design

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A few things

Hello everyone,
Over the past few days we have been learning about HIV and AIDS, which is a required part of our Health curriculum. Our school system created lessons for teachers that assist us in teaching these concepts through a Catholic lens. Yesterday a question was raised about birth control and condoms and the prevention of HIV and AIDS. I let the students know that condoms do help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the birth control pill only helps to protect against pregnancy (but is NOT fool-proof), and that abstinence and chastity is the BEST way way to protect yourself. Parents and guardians may want to follow this up with a discussion at home.

Also, next week students will be learning about phases of the moon and seasons. There are some interesting activities that can be done with flashlights and Styrofoam balls to help children understand concepts. If your child is able to bring a flashlight to school, that would certainly be helpful. Please make sure that the flashlight is labeled, and when the activities are complete, the flashlights can be taken back home.

Have a great night everyone!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Getting back at it.

Hello parents,

I know it's been a while since I wrote anything on the class blog, and I apologize. Our last inquiry was a difficult time for me with prep time. Every week I lost prep time to guests, trips, and activities that we were involved in. The blog was a casualty of not having enough prep time to meet the needs of my planning and evaluation. However, that project is over now, and I don't anticipate being that busy again, hopefully.

Yesterday a note went home about an open mic event at the Mendel Art Gallery on Sunday at 2pm. Our students have been invited to perform their poems there, if they'd like to. I need to let the Mendel know approximately how many students will be in attendance, so I'd like to know today or tomorrow if your child will be attending. The school art exhibit is on so it's a nice time to view art.

Our class will be starting a new inquiry unit on space. As part of this unit, students will learn about the solar system, seasons and tides, and space exploration. After learning about space, we will then explore properties of flight. I plan to tie these two themes into Art, Language Arts, and Phys. Ed.. We  will explore science fiction and Aliens in Language Arts while learning how to write narrative (fictional) stories. In art we will learn new techniques around drawing perspective, 3D, and positive and negative space. In Phys. Ed. we will tackle outcomes from the curriculum with space themed games as well as looking into the training an astronaut needs to be in physically tip top condition.
During this unit, we will have some additional support from Mrs. Engel, and Mrs. Anning's replacement. (I'd tell you her name, but I've drawn a blank on her last name.)

I will be away from school starting Tuesday next week for a 2 weeks duration. I will be having my nose straightened out. It's never ideal timing to be away from school for two weeks, but the impact of my deviated septum on my sleep has been fairly great - which makes me unacceptably forgetful. (At least that's what I hope is causing my forgetfulness. :) As of this moment I do not know who my replacement will be, but we are hopeful to have the same person fill the entire vacancy for continuity.

I also want to thank all of the parents and students for the Costco gift card I received at Christmas time. I finally figured out what I wanted - and put it towards a kayak. I'm super excited to be able to explore river systems this summer. Thank you so much everyone, it was a great gift.

Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A quick note...

Hello everyone,
We have been busy working on art, poetry, treaties, and concepts around stereotypes, identity, and poverty. Today we worked with the Slam Poetry artists Nicole Almond and Kevin Wesaquate. With them we spoke about treaties and watched the following videos:
Khodi Dill - Ottawa Festival
The students contributed to discussions about these poems and then created their own mini slam poem. What we got to hear today was a real treat. We have some very talented slam poetry artists in the making.

We still need newspaper food flyers. If you have some, please send them to school.

We will also attend an art workshop at the Mendel Art Gallery, on Monday, February 4th. We will be there all day, and students will need to pack a lunch. We will leave the school at 9:00 am and return by 3:00pm.

Please scroll down to the google calendar at the bottom of the blog. I have added dates that pertain to our class. There are several important dates coming up in February. I included basketball play days for the senior girls' basketball team, but have not yet completed that for the boys team. The boys have games the same days, but I'm not sure of where they are. I plan to find out, and add that to the calendar.

Have a great night everyone.

Monday, January 21, 2013


The grade six students have a fractions unit test tomorrow.
We need food flyers for a health activity that we are doing. Please send them if you can.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Art Stereotyping homework
Math - grade six students have a pre-test to finish for Monday. Test Tuesday.
Bring art supplies

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Art Supplies Needed

Our future art projects will require a few materials from home. If you are able to send duplicates of some of these items that would be super helpful.
All students will need:

  • One Styrofoam tray for print making (the larger the better - it will give your child more room to create)
  • One plastic container for mask making (A peanut butter jar, bleach container, or even a large yogurt container are some examples. Sturdy plastics will allow for a stronger base to create on. Please only send empty clean containers especially if they contained nuts - we have two children with peanut allergies)
  • An old t-shirt (A medium adult t-shirt would work well,  just to give you an example of size, but it can be smaller or larger. We will cut them into strips for the mask making.)
  • One plastic lid (to be used as a paint pallet)
  • An old shirt (to be used as a paint shirt - we will be doing some messy work.) 
We won't need these items for a while, but send them as you gather them so that we have an idea of when we can get started.

Thanks so much for your help. If you have any questions, please add a comment or send me an email.
-Ms. G.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th

Hello everyone. I apologize for taking so long to get back onto the blog, it's been a busy start to the new year.
We have been very busy creating art, exploring identity, stereotypes, and learning about First Nation Treaty rights. If you're interested in knowing more about this inquiry project, here is a blog post that explains what we've been up to.
Tomorrow the students will travel to the university to see the Spectrum exhibit. We will leave at 12:45 and return to the school by 3pm. This should be a fascinating exhibit all about science and technology.
There is a word-a-day quiz tomorrow.
There is a math quiz on Friday, January 18th for the grade six students.
Have a great night everyone.