Monday, April 15, 2013

Grad photo package giveaway

Hello parents and guardians,
An up-and-coming photographer in our city is offering a special grad photo package giveaway. She's very talented, and I wondered if some of you may be looking for grad photography for your older children. Please feel free to pass on the link and the information to others who may be interested. Follow the link to enter the draw: copperblue design

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A few things

Hello everyone,
Over the past few days we have been learning about HIV and AIDS, which is a required part of our Health curriculum. Our school system created lessons for teachers that assist us in teaching these concepts through a Catholic lens. Yesterday a question was raised about birth control and condoms and the prevention of HIV and AIDS. I let the students know that condoms do help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the birth control pill only helps to protect against pregnancy (but is NOT fool-proof), and that abstinence and chastity is the BEST way way to protect yourself. Parents and guardians may want to follow this up with a discussion at home.

Also, next week students will be learning about phases of the moon and seasons. There are some interesting activities that can be done with flashlights and Styrofoam balls to help children understand concepts. If your child is able to bring a flashlight to school, that would certainly be helpful. Please make sure that the flashlight is labeled, and when the activities are complete, the flashlights can be taken back home.

Have a great night everyone!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Getting back at it.

Hello parents,

I know it's been a while since I wrote anything on the class blog, and I apologize. Our last inquiry was a difficult time for me with prep time. Every week I lost prep time to guests, trips, and activities that we were involved in. The blog was a casualty of not having enough prep time to meet the needs of my planning and evaluation. However, that project is over now, and I don't anticipate being that busy again, hopefully.

Yesterday a note went home about an open mic event at the Mendel Art Gallery on Sunday at 2pm. Our students have been invited to perform their poems there, if they'd like to. I need to let the Mendel know approximately how many students will be in attendance, so I'd like to know today or tomorrow if your child will be attending. The school art exhibit is on so it's a nice time to view art.

Our class will be starting a new inquiry unit on space. As part of this unit, students will learn about the solar system, seasons and tides, and space exploration. After learning about space, we will then explore properties of flight. I plan to tie these two themes into Art, Language Arts, and Phys. Ed.. We  will explore science fiction and Aliens in Language Arts while learning how to write narrative (fictional) stories. In art we will learn new techniques around drawing perspective, 3D, and positive and negative space. In Phys. Ed. we will tackle outcomes from the curriculum with space themed games as well as looking into the training an astronaut needs to be in physically tip top condition.
During this unit, we will have some additional support from Mrs. Engel, and Mrs. Anning's replacement. (I'd tell you her name, but I've drawn a blank on her last name.)

I will be away from school starting Tuesday next week for a 2 weeks duration. I will be having my nose straightened out. It's never ideal timing to be away from school for two weeks, but the impact of my deviated septum on my sleep has been fairly great - which makes me unacceptably forgetful. (At least that's what I hope is causing my forgetfulness. :) As of this moment I do not know who my replacement will be, but we are hopeful to have the same person fill the entire vacancy for continuity.

I also want to thank all of the parents and students for the Costco gift card I received at Christmas time. I finally figured out what I wanted - and put it towards a kayak. I'm super excited to be able to explore river systems this summer. Thank you so much everyone, it was a great gift.

Have a great day everyone.