Friday, October 19, 2012

A mid-month check in...

Hello All,
I have to apologize for leaving this blank for so many days in a row. I've been all consumed with an ArtSmarts grant application that I've been working on for our class.

Yesterday was a very busy day. We had students coming and going from Teen Aid presentations, and working busily on their crayon art. There is a lot of great art coming along, and the some kids are in love with the melting wax process.

The students have probably mentioned that this will be for an art auction. I'm hoping that we can re-coup the cost of the art supplies and then make around 1-2 dollars per art piece to donate to an organization that helps increase the standard of living for people... children...(?).... We still have to decide where we want to donate to, but I did wanted to give you an idea of what we're doing.

The art auction will be a silent auction. Our crayon canvases will be on display in the main hallway around the kindergarten room. We will have sheets of paper on tables allowing people to write in their bid for whichever art piece they'd like to win. I think most of the students are planning to buy their own art, and the idea that someone else might buy it, isn't really a concern to them. I still need to prep them for the fact that someone besides them may want to purchase their art, and that they should try to be okay with that.

We will start putting the art up on Monday. It will be on display all week. We will put out the auction pages on Wednesday, and leave them out until Friday, October 26 at 3:00. At that point, we'll call the auction closed and contact the highest bidders.

If you have any questions or concerns about the auction, please contact me.

As for homework:
The grade 6 class will start work on the "show what you know" lesson today. It's the last lesson of unit 1. The students must complete all of the questions for Monday, at which time we will correct the questions, and do last minute preparations for the test. The test will be on Tuesday, October 23rd.

We have also been working on our persuasive essays. The rough draft will be due on Wednesday, October 24th. They essay should be 5 paragraphs long and include: an introduction with a theses, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a closing paragraph. We've spent a lot of time going over the structure of the essay, so hopefully the students are confident in what they are doing.

We will take time on Thursday and Friday to do the revisions and edits to the essay, and good copies will be due on Tuesday, October 29th. The students will need to submit a paper copy along with their rough draft. They will also need an electronic version that they will upload to a blog that I will loan them for the year. This blog will be their blog to use, but their name and anything that identifies them will not be included in the blog. I will have the ability to control and monitor their use of the blog. I have the blogs linked to my school email account, which means that when the students post or comment, I get email notifications sent to my smart phone. It's really a fast and convenient way to monitor the blog usage. I will send you more info about the class blogs next week.

At the end of October, we will be wrapping up our unit on Human Rights, and moving into a new inquiry unit on electricity and sustainability called: Will we have enough energy? Thank you to Mrs. Wheaton for all of her help with obtaining old appliances for the class. She has rounded up a plethora of old appliances for us to take apart and investigate. I can hardly wait!

Have a great weekend everyone. I will be at a convention today, and won't see your children until Monday.
-Jen Gallays

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